There are many aspects to your question, Mr. Coderre.
I want to speak to the issue of falling through the cracks. It will always be a challenge, inasmuch as you do not control one's life completely, and neither should we as a military institution. I would like to hear some of the comments that Cyndi and Shawn may have with regard to that. But it is an issue we have struggled with and will continue to struggle with in terms of how we can do better outreach. How can we be known? How can we make sure that those people who need help know that we are here and that we can outreach to them, so that they will trust and come forward and ask for help? That's at the OSISS level.
At the most systemic level of the Canadian Forces, and I will say under DCSA, the director of casualty support and administration, in the last year there has been a lot of discussion and steps have been taken to try to counter that--people falling through the cracks--with the creation of the detachments, which I believe you've heard of here, and with some of the plans also to expand these kinds of services across the country. The Canadian Forces are very conscious of trying to outreach to all of their regular and reserve members. They're working really hard to do that.
Sir, will there ever be a perfect net? I don't think that will ever happen, but outreach is something we are constantly working on.