No, I'm aware of that.
In budget 2008, you're probably aware that we're putting $110 million into some four or five studies across the country related to homelessness and mental health issues and their relation to drug addiction. There's quite a connection between drug addiction—as you've mentioned here, alcoholism and so on—and mental health issues.
Looking at the centre for expertise and best practices, we know that in trying to manage depression, which I think you heard is not what you're seeing primarily as a presenting complaint, but rather PTSD—but often there's a relation, and these parallel or co-existing diagnoses get lumped in—SSRIs as a drug approach are falling under quite a bit of scrutiny these days as hardly better than a placebo.
In terms of non-drug treatments at Ste-Anne, we've heard a bit about a non-drug approach called EMDR. Is that something that's being made available? “Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing” is, I believe, what the acronym stands for. Is it offered at Ste-Anne's and other centres?