This task force was created as a result of the government's response to the Manley panel. I was previously doing a coordinating role from Foreign Affairs. I think the recommendation of the panel was that as important as that coordinating role was in a department, it would be easier to do it in the Privy Council Office--and that is, I think, a fact.
So the government's response created a cabinet committee, chaired by Minister Emerson and including Minister Day, Minister Bernier, Minister Oda, and Minister MacKay. It also created this new task force.
I'm a secretary to the cabinet committee. The cabinet committee sets out a work program, and we ensure that we're meeting it. The work program, as Minister Emerson mentioned in his technical brief the other day, largely follows the Manley panel.
So it's all about ensuring that we have very clear and very limited Canadian government priorities for Afghanistan. We're not trying to do everything. We're trying to do the very most important things to transform a place like Kandahar. We ensure that our programming is aligned with those priorities, and, most importantly that we have benchmarks we're willing to be held to, which are clear, measurable objectives that we report to Canadians on. We're putting that work program in place right now.
A lot of the work has been done in various places, but it needs to be put in a coherent way and really focused on our 2011 timeline for Kandahar.