NATO regularly publishes a statement of requirements for various parts of the mission. The part that gets focused on most often, for obvious reasons, is for personnel and troops. But that also includes estimates on how many helicopters they need and how many training teams they need--what they call the OMLTs. I know you've heard General Atkinson talk about OMLTs before. They really break it down and look at all the enablers, all the parts of the mission they need. NATO has still not met all of their statement of readiness, and that debate continues within NATO and across a variety of forums.
A number of western European countries are trying to think creatively about the fact that western Europe has a plentiful supply of helicopters, not all of which are finding their way to Afghanistan. They're looking at ways of pooling efforts to get more helicopters into the theatre. That's obviously an effort we welcome.
This conversation happens at summits. It happens between summits. It also happens bilaterally. One of the recommendations from the Manley panel was for a focused diplomatic strategy. One of the things I'm working on, and we've been working on in the task force I'm part of, is to ensure that our diplomacy, when we talk to other countries, the UN, and NATO, focuses on these very precise asks that Canada and our NATO alliance need.
When it comes to funds, the story is again mixed. We had a recent report from ACBAR, the organization that was monitoring aid disbursements. Their finding was that some countries are pledging but not delivering. We can take pride in the fact that Canada was with Japan at the top of the list in terms of disbursements, but that again is a subject we take up. France is proposing to hold a meeting of the major donors to Afghanistan in June. That will certainly be one of the subjects that gets raised. It's a subject that gets raised in these larger sessions, but we also raise it with our bilateral partners.