Good. That's wonderful to hear.
You also mentioned—if I may use your words—a need for “coordination”. You also used the words, “share the burden” in Afghanistan.
We met some time ago with the defence committee from Germany, and part of our exchange was, look, if you're going to be a member of the NATO family, we all know the prerequisites for membership. I'm passing on to you what we're hearing from Canadians, that if you're a member of the NATO family—as much as Canada stood proud in taking on this most responsible role it is now undertaking—the question Canadians have is this: why are we not having these rotations? Why have the caveats not been lifted?
Can you brief us as best you can on the issue of the caveats? It was brought forward by then Minister O'Connor, on which I congratulated him when we were in Slovenia. In this most recent meeting in Bucharest, were the caveats discussed? And if they were discussed, was there any progress? And what was the response from our NATO partners?