Mr. Chair and honourable members of the committee, good afternoon.
My name is Lieutenant-Colonel Simon Hetherington. I'm a field artillery officer by training. However, from June 2006 until late January of 2007, I deployed to Afghanistan as the commanding officer of the Kandahar Provincial Reconstruction Team, or the PRT.
The PRT, as you know, is an interdepartmental organization consisting of soldiers, diplomats from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, development workers from the Canadian International Development Agency, law enforcement personnel from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and municipal law enforcement agencies and, more recently, corrections officers from Corrections Canada.
The mission of the PRT, as I saw it, was to extend the legitimacy of the central government of Afghanistan through assisting the government of Kandahar in building the capacity to govern and set the conditions for sustainable development. This was a lofty goal, which we soon learned would need to be approached in an incremental and measured manner.
While the mission's objectives and the tasks of the PRT are not the subject of this discussion, it's important to recognize that the type of work the PRT engaged in was not immediately intuitive to many of its members, me included. The bulk of its soldiers who formed the military component of the provincial reconstruction team came from combat arms backgrounds. Working with other government departments was also new to most of us, particularly in such close quarters.
The Canadian PRT had been established less than a year before I arrived in Kandahar and had been operating as part of the larger Canadian task force for only five months. Much of the early work the PRT engaged in during my tour was in concert with the 1 RCR Battle Group, conducting post-conflict battle damage mitigation. At the other end of the spectrum, DFAIT and CIDA staff worked with the provincial government and line ministries on longer-term reconstruction efforts.
Despite some initial uncertainties and growing pains, I can confidently say that at the end of our tour progress had been made, some important projects had been completed, and the members of the provincial reconstruction team had set the conditions for the success of the follow-on rotation.
In terms of discussing the relevance of my appearance before you here today, I will say that I was extremely fortunate that no member of the PRT was killed, and only one was seriously injured during our tour. This injury took place while this soldier was operating with the 1 RCR Battle Group.
I cannot be so certain about non-physical casualties. All members of the camp were witness to the effects of attacks on our convoys and the wounds they inflicted on innocent bystanders. Virtually every soldier in our camp had friends in the 1 RCR Battle Group about whom they worried constantly. Many members of the team were on the roads of Kandahar daily, some days without incident, others not.
You may know that the PRT works out of a small, self-contained camp just inside Kandahar City. Our team was relatively small, and its small size and the small camp we occupied meant that everyone knew each other. We worked together. We lived together. We ate together. We risked together. And we mourned together whenever a Canadian soldier was killed. We had a doctor and medical staff, as well as a chaplain, dedicated solely to the PRT. Through these professionals, we had access to additional help and spiritual care back at the main Kandahar airfield if we needed it.
Even though the PRT was composed of many different units from many different backgrounds and government departments, I believe the cohesion we formed during our period of training, coupled with the small size of the camp and the team itself, was instrumental in dealing with the stressors faced by everyone. I fully recognize that stress affects different people in different ways and that it would be naive of me to think that every member of the PRT returned home unscathed. But I can say that in theatre the resources and support of the chain of command were available to assist those who needed it.
I hope this has helped orient you to what I may be able to add to your consideration of this extremely important topic.
Thank you.