Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I've been listening to a lot and we've had some people on both ends. I guess when we look at it statistically and I look at the service you're giving, there's no question in my mind that the intention is very good and we want to see what's best for the individual soldier. I almost feel, though, when we ask questions, what I get is yes, this is what we mean. So the statistics are very good, and overall they seem to be in place and everything seems to be great, but I guess what we get in our office are the outliers, the data that doesn't fit in with the rest of the statistics. When a statistic is very distant, it sounds good, because you're talking 80%, 90%. But if you're part of that 10% of the population, all of a sudden it goes from being a statistic to being a personal problem, and I think that's what we see in our offices.
I have a question, and I'm not really sure how to put this. I don't want to sound insulting, but there seems to be a disconnect between some of the cases on the front line and what's going on up the ladder. Is there a review process in place to analyze just what's going on with the outliers, the people who are having troubles? Maybe you can describe to me how that would work.
Let's say somebody comes into my office and says “I've been getting terrible servic”. Now, granted, maybe some of the diseases that are existent are very hard to diagnose, they're not easy, and I'm not saying it's an easy problem to take care of, but how do you take care of that problem that is not as easy as...? Say you break a leg--you know it's there, the femur's cracked in two. You put it back together and you hope for the best, and at least you can monitor that. But when something goes on with the mind it's not exactly an easy one to take care of, and there's a lot of pain and suffering that goes with it. You're definitely not purposely leaving this person out in the cold, but they certainly feel like they are. How do you handle something like that? What would your role in something like that be?