Again, I can speak of my experience as CO of 1 RCR. Certainly when we came back after the leave period of a month to six weeks, depending on when you come back from theatre, we very purposely put together a series of activities. They consisted of a medals parade, a memorial service, and then what amounted to a battle group celebration over a period of three days. We are very insistent that reservists are told to come back to Petawawa on duty travel to participate in that. Part of it was to celebrate and honour sacrifices and achievements, but at the same time it was an opportunity for them to get back and have the chain of command they fought with, whether at a platoon or section level, and have a chance to talk with their buddies on the regular force side and others in one spot.
Colonel Hetherington may be best to answer from his position now as EACLS, but within that mechanism, at least for the army within the area structure, the area commanders and reserve brigade commanders have that duty as well to continue to track those soldiers who have come back from a deployment to make sure that if they require assistance it's put in place.