I appreciate your comments, and I sense the sincerity in responding to me, but just last week we had a mother here on behalf of her son. There are other examples; I'll just use that one. They are not criticizing the military as a whole, but elements of the system. It's not like they were isolating themselves with a so-called stigma, as you put it. They're saying that they were reaching out for help and somehow help just wasn't there for them.
We heard from family support organizations, and I was very pleased to hear that they're there and they're funded. Maybe they could be funded a bit more in the fundraising, etc., that's going on. They're there, but somehow--and I don't know the answer yet, but we hope to get to it--there's an element that's missing to connect them all together so that at the end of the day this young person doesn't have to go through this experience of saying “I'm frustrated, I know I need help”, and not getting that help. It causes them to become isolated maybe.