One should understand that, when people grieve, they may say that they are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder without this having any effect on their claim. In many cases of harassment, this issue was raised but was not a major factor in relation to what was being claimed or in relation to the grievance as such.
There are also many cases under study and this time where, in view of a release or in order to obtain administrative redress, people say that they suffer from this illness and that they have been released instead of being helped. Several such cases are still under study. Four of them are.
I don't know if I have been understood. I will continue in English.
Of the approximately 300 cases that go to the CDS level, 40% get to the board. The other 60% are decided at the final authority, but by a delegate. There are maybe 1,000 cases decided at the initial authority, but only 300 that get to the second level, and then 40% are referred to us. So there's still another 60% of cases at the final authority that we don't see, and out of these cases there are maybe some cases where PTSD is also....