That is a good question. The ombudsman is empowered to receive complaints from members of the Canadian Forces, ex-members and families.
I'll say this in English so that I'm clear.
We have a wide range of constituents where the grievance authority only looks at complaints from CF members. Part of the role of an ombudsman is to review administrative processes to make sure people are treated
in a fair and equitable manner during the process.
We often get complaints from people who have submitted their grievance to the initial authority, had it reviewed, and found themselves displeased with the result. It then goes to the final authority for review. It might be the type that goes to the grievance board; it might not. Eventually the CDS, the final authority, makes the decision. If the person is still unhappy and feels he's been treated unfairly, our role is to review the case to make sure the process has treated him fairly. If not, we would make recommendations to have the situation changed.