Thank you. I'd first like to express my appreciation for the opportunity to appear before this committee.
My name is Dr. Joyce Belliveau, and I'm a clinical psychologist in private practice in Fredericton, New Brunswick. I specialize in the treatment of trauma-related disorders.
For over 12 years, a significant portion of my client base has been active members and veterans of the Canadian Forces. Ninety-five per cent of those referrals has been for the treatment of operational stress injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder.
I have worked with men and women from every peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, or combat-related tour, post-Korea. I have also worked with CF clients involved in the Oka crisis, the Gander incident, the Swiss Air disaster response, ice-storm relief, and even an earthquake relief in Italy in the 1970s. I also provide treatment for police officers, firefighters, and civilians across a range of trauma experiences.
The combat or tour-related PTSD and OSI that I treat in my military clients differs in very special ways from civilian-based trauma, even trauma experienced by police officers and firefighters. At the end of the day, no matter how traumatic the experience, a police officer or firefighter can go home. A soldier on tour is there for the duration. Home can be months away, and for many there's no respite during their tours. They maintain constant hypervigilance for months and may experience subsequent trauma incidents.
Those in positions of authority may be even more compromised by traumatic events. Not only are they personally affected; they also carry added care and concern for their troops.
I have reviewed the transcripts of the proceedings to date. Without question, the way the Department of National Defence has responded to the needs of those with OSI has improved over the years, particularly in response to the Afghanistan tours. Decompression, post-deployment screening, medical and psychological evaluation every two years instead of five are all steps in the right direction.
The stigma of seeking treatment for OSI is less, but it is still present. A number of my clients would not have sought treatment if they had known their only choice was to be treated on the base or at the mental health clinic, even though it is now located off the base. The fear of losing one's job or potential for career advancement is diminishing, but it is still a problem that delays seeking treatment.
I will now address issues related to my experiences with CFB Gagetown mental health services, which were, prior to March of 2006, absolutely excellent.
The clinic at CFB Gagetown operated at one time as a satellite clinic under the direction of Dr. Rakesh Jetly of the Halifax OTSSC. Members were assessed and provided with treatment in a timely manner. There was ongoing communication between all the health providers involved in the client's care. This included case conferences, exchange of progress notes, and direct phone contact with medical officers in emergency situations.
Community-based service providers like me met periodically with the CFB Gagetown mental health team for educational seminars, as well as to promote the cohesiveness of this unique team. Accountability was built into the system, and the progress of clients was easily tracked.
One person facilitated all client referrals. The focus was on evidence-based practice that followed the multi-phase, multi-modal, cognitive behavioural therapy protocol accepted as the standard for treatment at OTSSC centres across Canada. This consists of three phases: stabilization, trauma processing, and a final phase involving maintenance, relapse prevention, and termination of therapy.
There are numerous techniques and skills for which clinicians can and should be trained in order to provide effective treatment for OSI. No one technique is the be-all and end-all.
Until a few years ago, my experience as a community-based service provider for CFB Gagetown mental health had been entirely positive, with one exception—being disparagingly referred to as “one of those chicks in town” by one of the former medical officers on the base who did not believe in PTSD.
When the satellite clinic ceased to be in 2006, for reasons unknown to us, the dynamics of the clinic changed. In May 2007, I wrote to the military ombudsman's office after a number of unsuccessful attempts to communicate with staff at CFB Gagetown's mental health services about issues that were compromising care for Canadian Forces personnel. I will identify my concerns and present a few of the numerous examples fuelling those concerns.
I'm concerned about confidentiality of client information. Under the previous system, I would first be contacted via the liaison person to see if I had openings. If not, I would be asked when I would have openings, whether I would hold some slots for them, and when I would be able to take new clients.
At this point, in order to protect the confidentiality of the client, I was not given any identifying information about the client, other than the treatment issue. If I were able to take a new referral, only then would the client be identified and the necessary documentation would be sent.
The current system consistently violates client confidentiality. For example, despite telling the clinic director and referral person from CFB Gagetown mental health clinic that I could only take two referrals, I was sent five via mail in early February from three different sources within the clinic. Identifying information was on all of them. I was able to take three of the five and was instructed to return the other two to the base, even though I knew my colleague was available to take these cases immediately.
I returned the referrals. Since then I have received two phone calls, from two completely different people at the mental health clinic, to follow up on one of those clients for whom I had returned the referral. One was calling to see, about two weeks later, why I had not contacted the client. About ten days after that, I received a call from yet another staff member who was trying to find out why this client was not being seen yet, as he was getting very frustrated with the wait.
I don't know what happened to that particular client, but I know I spoke to five different people within the mental health clinic about a client that I had never seen or spoken to. I should not even have known this client's name.
This not only raises concerns about confidentiality but speaks to my second concern--namely, what appears to be a total lack of organization at the administrative level. The current system does not appear to have any effective mechanism for referring and tracking progress.
I received a phone message last spring from one of the staff at mental health wanting to know the progress of one of my clients. This client had been released from the Canadian Forces about one year earlier. My termination report had been sent in within weeks of this client's release. He had transitioned to Veterans Affairs for his last few sessions of therapy. This case had been closed for months.
As recently as last week, I received a voice mail message from the person who is, to my understanding, in charge of referrals. She stated that she was responding to my call to her, the day before, about my client, whom she identified by name. She then proceeded to discuss the case.
The problem here is twofold. I had not called her and the person named was not my client. When I responded to her voice message to let her know this, her response to me was, “Well, I wonder who is seeing this person.”
We are consistently hearing from our clients not only about their frustrations in navigating that system in order to get assessed and treated but also about the stories of their friends and colleagues who are falling through the cracks.
Also of concern is whether client issues are being addressed in a timely manner. In January of 2008, a former OSI client of mine was refused authorization to return to see me. He was quite distraught when he called me. He could not believe he would have to go through yet another screening and be assigned to a counsellor at the mental health clinic when I already knew his story and the therapeutic relationship was already established. Retelling the story to yet another person and building trust in a therapist can be very challenging and time-consuming. I saw this client for two sessions, pro bono, and his issue was resolved. This would have taken weeks had it been handled on the base.
In August 2007 I requested a case conference. It was scheduled for October and subsequently cancelled. I was not informed of the cancellation. I requested rescheduling as soon as possible, because it had implications for this client's treatment. The case conference was held in March of this year, seven months later. In the old system, case conferences were usually held within two weeks of the request.
I have concerns about the mandate of the mental health clinic regarding clinical focuses being only on the identified issue. I have not really understood this directive, but I know it is the philosophy of the brief therapy model, which does not have any evidence-based efficacy for complex PTSD. How this translates into practical reality is that the extension of treatment has been denied if the therapist identifies an issue that the authorizing agent perceives as not related to the original identified referral issue.
PTSD and OSI affect the whole person, their families, and their jobs. The comprehensive package is the identified issue. Past trauma prior to military trauma needs to be addressed in order for successful resolution of PTSD.
Life continues for these clients while they are in treatment. l've had clients in treatment who have lost parents or siblings, clients whose spouses have been diagnosed with cancer or other serious illness. I have clients in treatment for OSI who are also dealing with chronic pain conditions. I have experience in treating chronic pain, bereavement, and other issues that impact on their recovery.
I am not going to tell my client that we can't address these things because they are not the identified issue. We have to treat the whole person, not approach the issues in a piecemeal fashion.
As the situation deteriorated between the base and the community-based service providers, I was becoming increasingly concerned about the adequacy of training and/or supervision of some of the staff providing mental health services.
Clinical psychologists are trained in a scientist practitioner model. We are committed to evidence-based practice, not only by our training but by our code of ethics.
There is a clear directive from Veterans Affairs in both the U.S. and Canada that benzodiazepines are contraindicated in the treatment of PTSD, particularly because they exacerbate symptoms. Despite that, a number of my clients were overmedicated on benzodiazepines. One client was on five of these medications, all of them at double the standard dosage. We were no longer receiving clinical notes from the psychiatrist on the base at that time, Dr. Hanley, and we had no way of tracking medication protocols. This is important, because medication can impact treatment efficacy. Clients are rarely knowledgeable about medications and do not question the experts. My attempts to have this and similar situations addressed were met with brick walls.
Please note that with the new psychiatrist who has been on the base since Dr. Hanley lost his licence, benzodiazepines are no longer an issue. However, I am still not receiving assessment reports or psychiatrist's notes.
One of my current clients with complex PTSD was seen by two different counsellors on the psychosocial team at the mental health clinic for over a year before he was referred to me, despite having been identified as having PTSD. His response, after our second session, was that he knew more about PTSD after two sessions with me than he had learned in over a year of counselling on the base. He had not received any education about PTSD, nor had he been taught any strategies for coping or for reducing symptoms.
I am concerned about the timeframe for treatment. When I read Brigadier-General Jaeger's statement of February 7 that the maximum for treatment is about 20 sessions, or, in the best-case scenario, seven to 10 sessions, l was alarmed. The military personnel I am treating from the Afghanistan tours have experienced multiple tours and multiple traumas. Afghanistan has merely been the catalyst for seeking treatment.
In the years that I have provided services to DND clients, I have treated only one client with only one trauma event. The rest of my clients have experienced multiple traumas related to multiple tours. For some clients, 20 sessions are required just to build trust in the therapist and the process before we can start processing the trauma events, particularly if the client is experiencing secondary wounding because of the process involved in getting into treatment. Having seven to 20 sessions has been my experience in cases of single-incident trauma, but even those are client specific and may exceed 20 sessions. The sooner a person with OSI gets into treatment, the better. However, each case must be dealt with in the manner best suited to that client within an evidence-based framework.
As one of the “chicks in town” who has extensive training and experience in assessing OSI and PTSD and treating them, I do have some recommendations for this panel.
First, I would recommend that the CFB Gagetown mental health service return to the OTSSC model that was working so effectively and efficiently in identifying, tracking, and providing therapy services. Accountability, evidence-based practice, and a coordinated team approach are the foundation of the OTSSC model.
Second, I would recommend increased communication and collaboration with the community service providers. We are not the enemy. I do not see DND clients because I need the money. My caseload will not decrease if I no longer receive referrals from the base. My wait-list for new clients is usually two to four months. I work with clients who have trauma issues because it is the most gratifying work I ever do as a clinical psychologist. In areas like CFB Gagetown, with the scarcity of trained mental health professionals to treat OSI and PTSD, alienating the community-based service providers who have the experience and expertise seems counter to any mandate to provide appropriate services.
Third, I would recommend that a clinician with training and experience in evidence-based methods for treating OSI and PTSD be hired at the mental health clinic and be in charge of making treatment-related decisions.
Finally, I would recommend an external evaluation of the administrative aspect of the clinic and the implementation of an organized system to refer and track client progress.
Operational stress injury and post-traumatic stress disorder are treatable. Not everyone will go into full remission, but their quality of life can be improved substantially with proper evidence-based treatment provided by properly trained and qualified mental health professionals in a system that treats each person with the dignity and respect they deserve.
Thank you.