Mr. Chair, I am the Reverend Captain (Retired) Allan Studd. I'm an Anglican priest and a retired Canadian Forces chaplain and a marriage and family therapist.
I am the son and grandson of career members of the Canadian Forces. I grew up on base at Wainwright, Borden, and Oakville.
I was ordained to the ministry in 1979. There were attempts at that point to get me into the military chaplaincy, but it was not until 1994 that I began to work as a chaplain at CFB Petawawa. I was commissioned as an officer and a chaplain on August 4, 1995, with the 1st Air Defence Regiment, which was a reserve unit in Pembroke, Ontario, and an asset of 2 Combat Mechanized Brigade Group at Petawawa at that time.
I served on continuous class B contracts as garrison chaplain and then chaplain to 2nd Combat Engineer Regiment and 1st Air Defence Regiment. Later I was posted to base chaplain and chapel life coordinator. I was medically released on October 30, 2002. I have PTSD comorbid with major depression and migraine headaches.
I concur with everything that General Delaire told us in his presentation. Very quickly, remember that between the years1994 and 2000, CFB Petawawa was returning from Somalia and saw the shutdown of the Airborne Regiment. They were just returning from mop-up operations in Rwanda. We were deployed in Croatia. Later on we deployed to Bosnia and did that twice. We deployed as well as aid to civil power, to Winnipeg during the Red River flood, and the ice storm in eastern Canada. We took the DART team to an earthquake in Turkey and Hurricane Mitch in Honduras. Finally, we deployed to Kosovo and managed another refugee crisis there. Somewhere in there, I was seconded as well to the American forces and I served as chaplain to Fort Sherman, the Panama Canal Zone, for a jungle operations training course.
I go through this because this is only a list of the extraordinary deployments. It says nothing of the regular training cycle of the Canadian Forces that takes soldiers away for extended periods of time. And through all of this, the military families suffered, and as chaplain I daily dealt with, counselled, and provided therapy to members, their spouses, and their families, as those families splintered under the strain.
Alcoholism, Internet chat rooms, infidelity, domestic violence, financial difficulties, brushes with the law, injuries as a result of automobile accidents, depression, mental illness, eating disorders, home sickness, illness of immediate family members, death of immediate family members, Gulf War syndrome, PTSD, suicide and the death of my own engineers while serving in Bosnia, all of these I dealt with daily, any time of the day or night.
In March 2000 I left the base exhausted, an exhaustion that after eight years I still have not fully recovered from, and I returned to a family that no longer knew me. The frenetic pace of operations, the breakdown of the day-to-day operation of the chaplain team in Petawawa, the constant stress of trying to be a caregiver, a 24/7 on-call work style, and a well-documented case of harassment left me a mere shell of who I had been in 1994.
This is a snapshot of the military family and what General Delaire was trying to impress upon us. When asked by SISIP what I would like to participate in for vocational retraining, I elected to attend a 24-month post-masters clinical training program in marriage and family therapy. I understood that I hadn't had the skills and training needed for the task of providing counselling therapy to the military families of CFB Petawawa.
I also knew from personal experience of the toll taken on the military family by members returning with post-traumatic stress disorder. So at my own expense I participated in a clinical week at the Veterans Administration National Center for PTSD in Palo Alto, California. Both my military and civilian training to this point had led me to become deeply concerned about this particular disorder. I was not yet ready, however, to admit that I was affected myself. That came later.
Today I sit before you as a marriage and family therapist. Family therapists are core mental health clinicians trained to treat disorders commonly faced by returning service members and veterans.
In my training I received 500 hours of supervised training in a clinical setting. In fact, as a discipline we received more supervision of our clinical work than any other discipline, including psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers. Our supervision ratio is one hour for every five completed and it is not matched in any other profession. I have the professional equivalent of a PhD. I have completed almost another 500 hours of supervised counselling therapy since leaving there.
I had hoped I would be doing this so that I could get back to the military family. The Canadian military, however, views mental health care for our soldiers through a 1950s lens. It's a lens that says the only professional able to provide mental health care is a social worker, a clinical psychologist, or of course a psychiatrist, and there is a disturbing vacancy rate.
I want you to know that my colleagues are ready to offer professional mental health care to our CF members and their families. Marriage and family therapy has been recognized as a discipline since 1942. We have the only training where the focus is relational. It recognizes that all mental health problems exist within a system of relationships and what affects the individual affects the whole.
Marriage and family therapists are highly trained mental health professionals. We use evidence-based methods of therapy. That means that a method has been thoroughly studied and peer-reviewed before it goes into practice. We are able to work with a whole range of mental health problems, from depression, PTSD, and occupational stress injuries to relationship breakdown and mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. All of us have a master's degree and many of us have much more than that. We are collaborative as well, meaning that we work closely with all other health professionals. MFTs can be found in private practice, hospital settings, family health teams, and community based agencies. You name it, we're there. We're also inter-professional. Our initial training and experience can come from any of the helping professions. Mine came from the ministry. We are closely regulated through the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy and we are required to have exhaustive core competencies.
It's deeply frustrating for me that after another five years of post-graduate training I have not been recognized as properly trained to do all the things I was expected to do as a chaplin. I have found it impossible to get myself hired to help in the mental health clinics for our soldiers.
The Americans have recognized us. We are recognized by both the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration. The DOD has just recently opened 44 MFT positions across that country to work with its members. In fact, I myself have been asked during the past week to consider joining the mental health clinic at Fort Drum, New York, just a few hours south of this city, in order to fill one of those positions. I can tell you, I would much rather travel the 45 minutes to CFB Petawawa than the four hours to Fort Drum to do the same job.
I am here today as a person who grew up in PMQs. I'm here as an army brat and I'm also here as a chaplin who has agonized over how best to help our military members, veterans, and their families, and I am here as a person who himself is affected by post-traumatic stress.
The way I chose and the way I think would help solve a lot of the things we've heard spoken about today was the way of marriage and family therapists. We are extensively trained professionals who are the best of what the mental health profession has to offer.
My presence here today is endorsed by the Registry of Marriage and Family Therapists in Canada. I want you to know that there are 1,000 registered members in Canada. I know that many of them would want to work with the Canadian military.
I would like to recommend that the Department of National Defence institute as a policy the hiring of registered marriage and family therapists to work as psychotherapists in the mental health, PTSD, and occupational stress injury clinics. I would recommend as well that DND develop a relationship with the Canadian registry of MFTs and its training centres, so that military health providers can receive training in marriage and family therapy to better help the military members and families. As well, mental health positions could be filled with graduates from those centres.
l want only the best treatment for our soldiers who suffer from PTSD and OSI. This was my motivation in seeking out what l knew to be the best training. I want to assist our soldiers, veterans, and their families. l am so convinced of this that l would be happy to make some introductions between the National Defence staff, Veteran Affairs, and key voices in my profession.
Ultimately, I would like to pursue the goal of ensuring that there are registered marriage and family therapists on staff at every base and every regional veterans centre to fill the void that exists in most places today.
Thank you for your attention, and thank you for inviting me to be here today.