Yes. It is a hundred million times better than what we had. To give you an example, my militia regiment, where I'm the honorary colonel, has 25 chaps right now in training for leaving in 2009, and they have already been nearly five months in training. So some of them are getting over a year of pre-training to get into the operational theatre.
That is not an insignificant dimension, if I may say, because the more training, the more instinctive reaction and professional reactions they have to the circumstances they find themselves in, the less the surprise will cause trauma. There is a correlation between very well professionally trained, motivated, supported, focused troops and those who don't have that capability.
This brings me to the augmentees, the “one of”s here and there, and so on, who don't have that time and that cohesion. Some of them only have the minimum of three months, which is a lot more than they used to have, but even that doesn't provide enough for them. They're the ones who fall through the cracks.
There is a way, I am sure, through the contracting arrangements we have with the reservists when they're committed to these missions, that we have an obligation of following them up. Those kids are time bombs out there, and there has to be a way of creating—if not imposing—a continuing link with them.