Luckily, I'm not a medical officer so I cannot really stray into the fields of the medical world.
The chief of military personnel, Major General Semianiw--who has been before this committee--is in the process of looking at each one of the 12 recommendations and looking at the policies we presently have in place that are impacted by those 12 recommendations. He is putting in place a plan to address the concerns raised by the ombudsman and to address the inequalities in her recommendations. So that is a work in progress.
As to where we are on addressing those concerns by the ombudsman in a timeline, I can't really tell you that because it is well within General Semianiw's area of responsibility. I am just a very interested observer, and my staff and I are there to assist General Semianiw in moving this along. But basically it's within his area of responsibility to deal with the response to the ombudsman.