The specifics or exact numbers on attrition and the ethnic breakdown I can provide to the committee. Obviously those are figures I wouldn't have off the top of my head.
What I can tell you is that attrition in the early days of the ANA was high. In RC South, and in Kandahar in particular, the attrition rate of the soldiers we are training in the 205 Corps—the five kandaks that we are training—is very, very small, almost negligible. It's pride of authorship, if you will. Because they've been trained and mentored, and we're living, working, and fighting alongside them, they have developed an esprit de corps and a professional ethos that has just become better and better with each passing week and month. So we are seeing in our area, with the five kandaks we're working with, a very low attrition rate. If you compare that with two years ago, attrition then, I think, was about 40%. Today I suspect it's much less than 5%.
But I will confirm this back to the committee, as well as the ethnic breakdown of both the ANA and the ANP.