Thank you.
My name is Commander Wilcox. I am the Joint Task Force Atlantic regional surgeon. In other words, I'm the senior physician for Atlantic Canada. I'm responsible for clinical oversight of all of the clinics in Atlantic Canada, and I'm also responsible for being the eyes and ears of the commander for Canadian Forces Health Services Group.
I'd like to clarify three items from previous testimony, if I may.
The first is in regard to staff qualifications. I want to assure you that all of our staff are qualified. Our psychiatrists are duly licensed; they are also in good standing with their respective colleges. Our psychologists either have a master's or a PhD. In fact, in my area of responsibility, two-thirds of the psychologists have PhDs. The social workers have either a BSc or a master's, and again, in Atlantic Canada, my area of responsibility, 100% of them have a master's. The mental health nurses have a BSc, and they're also certified in mental health from either a university or the Canadian Nurses Association.
In addition to those qualifications, during the hiring process we utilize terms of reference and merit criteria and conditions of employment to select people who have the skill sets we're looking for. For instance, a skill set would be a proficiency in cognitive behavioural therapy. A skill set would be the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, and psychodiagnostic skills. We use the selection process to further select people who meet our needs.
In addition, we have ongoing in-services in CME. In Gagetown this past year they had a four-day session on cognitive behavioural therapy. They have a similar session planned in EMDR. In fact, 1% of their salary goes to continuing medical education.
In addition to that, we practice collaborative medicine. That means no one person has to be an expert in all aspects of the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. We can utilize mental health nurses to provide portions of the treatment and social workers to provide portions of the treatment. For instance, part of the treatment is psychoeducation, and a mental health nurse could easily perform that. A social worker could do the stabilization, such as relaxation techniques. The advantage of having a collaborative practice is that we can do concurrent activities, rather than have one person do all the treatment sequentially.
The second thing is that we do practice evidence-based medicine. We did have a standardization committee that standardized the assessment of our patients, and we have an ongoing standardization treatment committee that will standardize the treatment.
While that committee has been meeting, we have been using best practices. We use the VA and Department of Defense from the U.S. We use their guidelines for the management of post-traumatic stress. We use guidelines from the American Academy of Family Physicians. While we are in the process of standardizing a treatment, we are using approved guidelines. We do use a multi-phase, multi-modal cognitive behavioural therapy protocol, and we do not use the brief therapy model.
The last thing I wanted to clarify is that management never determines how many clinical sessions a patient will receive. It's always done by clinicians. We never limit the number of sessions to 20. They get how many sessions they require. We do ask that after every 10 sessions we get progress notes. Related to that, we would never refuse a patient to be seen off-site if they had legitimate reasons.
Thank you for letting me clarify some of the previous testimony.
I'll hand it over to Henry.