I've just been there, dealing with many other nations in the Role 3 hospital. It's Canadian-led, but we have the Dutch and the Danes and the Americans. I can tell you that every single country has a different approach. The approaches range from four-month tours with no break to fifteen-month tours with a three-week break in the middle. Ours is six months with a three-week break. We do have some people on nine-month tours, but the norm is a six-month tour.
When I talked with my colleagues over there, I found that everybody had a different opinion on what would be an appropriate thing. Personally, I always advise my patients when they are going over that they do not come home for their three-week break, if at all possible; they should meet their family somewhere else. That's not always possible. Children are in school, or you can't afford to move everybody that far. You can reverse your funding and give it to your spouse instead, but if you have a spouse and four kids, that can become quite an expensive proposition.
Personally, I don't think they should come home. However, for a lot of people that's what works out best. And for a lot of people, that break is wonderful. It's a chance for them to meet their spouse in an exotic third location and have a break.
Again, the time zones become a problem. When you come home from Afghanistan, you have to adapt to a nine-and-a-half-hour change. You get almost three weeks as a break, but you spend the first week adapting. So I question the value of it.
One way or another, you do keep connected. I went to Disney World for a week with my family. I spent my time trying to avoid young men with missing limbs in wheelchairs, which was exactly what I'd been dealing with for the previous three months in Afghanistan. It was not a shock for me, so I was okay with it, but for some people that would be a bit of a problem, I would think.
So yes, it's something the forces needs to examine.