Thank you for coming today.
I wasn't going to go on this track, but I find it interesting that there's screening in the U.S. and self-selection here in Canada. When I think of that, I think of young people trying to fit in and saying, “I think this is where I'd like to be.” But it's kind of hard to say, “Yes, this is where I am going to fit.”
I'll ask you a couple of questions on that, and then I'll let you answer them.
First, do they have a choice of being screened or being given an aptitude test on where they would fit in based on their mental aptitude? If you want to go into, say, artillery, or into flying a plane, those are two completely different fields. I would imagine there's a certain amount of skill and aptitude required, for one, and a tolerance for the type of stress you'll be under. Is that something that is considered or that is available to the individuals?
Many of the people we've seen to date have said they didn't realize they were sick until later. People would ask them what was wrong: “Nothing. Nothing is wrong.” They went for a year or two until suddenly it hit them that this was not the way they were supposed to be, this was not the way they were supposed to feel. Then they realized they had post-traumatic stress disorder.
So does any kind of screening take place on a regular basis? I hear, yes, there are programs in there for them to identify each other or to see what's going on, and the commanding officer is supposed to check it out, but it's very difficult. Is there any one-on-one program where they go in once every six months, say, and go through things? I'm not talking about when you get out of theatre and you go for post-deployment debriefing or cooling down. Is there anything on-site that can be done to screen people as they're going through? I know they're saying the commanding officer might notice something a little bit different, but is there any kind of test or any screening done to detect that?