Thank you very much.
I'd like to just go back to the sleep issue for the soldiers. I'm aware of studies in which they interrupted normal subjects during the REM phase of sleep, or the rapid eye movement phase, and there was a definite decline in cognitive ability, problem solving, and the ability to learn new tasks.
It seems as though the military would be well aware of that. I suppose when you talk about something like Desert Storm, before they went into Iraq, in these pre-dawn raids, they pounded these poor guys--interrupting their sleep--before they went in on a ground assault.
Coming back to our soldiers, when we were in Valcartier we had a very interesting discussion with the base surgeon there, Chantale DescĂ´teaux. She was remarking on some of the work they're doing there on group therapy for sleep for the soldiers. They not only identified but found resolution for some of the OSIs and PTSD and what might have been described in that realm, and they found great improvement in clinical practice just by doing group sleep therapy, which is much more palatable for the soldiers, of course.
I just wondered if you were aware of that.