I can tell you this. The MFRCs, the military family resource centres, are in fact holding educational sessions to talk about the battle mind, and I know it's been mentioned in some other groups. This is the program that was developed by the Americans to say that you have a battle mind that you need when you're hypervigilant and all that sort of stuff and then the ability, when you come back, to apply a different mindset. I pushed that educational program down to the MFRCs in western Canada when the redeployment was going on, to educate the spouses and the next of kin on what things to look out for.
Let's face it, the member may not self-declare, and the unit may not even see it, because they have a culture that says your business is your business as long as it doesn't affect me. But the spouses definitely see it. So we're trying to encourage people to talk to their spouses, and if their spouse or the kids see it, guess what, you should come in. This is part of the education.
So the one thing that should be done is an educational program about what to see, what to look for.