My role, like Dave's, is to approve extensions of sick leave, which I say is absence from structured supervised activity. Basically, you allow people to stay home to get better. The trouble is that when people stay home to do whatever they want to do, their sleep patterns are definitely interrupted. They don't in fact have a really good structured sleep pattern.
So part of my role is to kind of diminish the amount of time you prescribe this sick leave and get people back to an activity level that imposes a better sleep, rest, and work structure. In the morning, you get up--show up at work or show up somewhere, just prove that you're up--and then you stay up. Go to sleep at the normal time and get that structure back.
With the new casualty support units that they're going to set up, I think we're going to have a better way to be able to provide a better ability to do that stuff. And some studies, of course, have shown that a 20-minute nap in the afternoon helps with cognitive functioning for everybody.