I'll just add something, because you did mention the traumatic brain injury. USA Today said it was the signature illness or injury from Iraq and Afghanistan.
We do see brain injury. We obviously see the clear-cut severe brain injuries from rollovers and from explosions and stuff, and those are managed the way they normally are in ICUs. They monitor brain activity, and they do whatever. There are conditions now that they have found, when someone has been involved, for instance, in an explosion of an IED and they haven't identified that there was a concussion, or the person may have been dazed and confused or suffered a loss of consciousness.
Everybody coming through LRMC at Landstuhl now is being assessed. We do get follow-up for anybody who goes through Landstuhl. In fact, for anybody coming back who has been in proximity of an IED or whatever, we are doing the psychometric sort of testing to see whether there are any cognitive effects. Some people think of something like PTSD, which affects your memory and thinking and stuff, as being a mild brain injury when in fact it's something that affects your thought processes and is not an actual injury. But, you see, soldiers don't like to hear that they have a thought process problem. They like to have a physical kind of problem. So a lot of times when we talk about these things, what we mean by traumatic brain injury has to be clearly defined.
At this point, I'm out of my lane. There are experts in fact looking at that to define exactly what we need to do to evaluate it and then treat it.