It does, but we have the intersection of two factors here.
First of all, the Department of Justice has gone to the Supreme Court and asked for appeal. We don't know what the Supreme Court will do in either one of the two cases.
Based on this recommendation, we could see, in fact, this act enacted in no time at all.
As to how many of these trials are there and what process the trials are at, I don't know. What we do know from the Trépanier decision is that, at most, if we look back over the past four or five years, there have been a total of 200 trials. We're not talking about a whole lot of trials, but 200 trials; on average, 60 trials a year.
As to how many of those are in suspense as we speak, those trials that have commenced and that we'll be carrying out, I don't know even what type of trial they are under. Is it a general court martial, a special court martial? I don't have that kind of detail. But to say that it will continue under the old law when the Court Martial Appeal Court has said—unless it's reversed—the old law is unconstitutional, at least that very provision, you would in fact give cause to continue something that is not only unfair but unconstitutional at this stage.
That's my reading of it.