I thought your third question was going to be whether my Toronto Maple Leafs watch was still working. But like the team, it hasn't told time very well for about 41 years, and it's a major challenge.
I don't think there's one single thing, but it all comes to one single thing. This is something I believe in very fervently: being valued is worth its weight in gold, and being valued means actions, not just words. Excuse my language, but we have a little slogan in the army: “Bullshit walks and action talks”.
That's so true for our men and women when they're out doing something. When you're on that dirty, dusty, dangerous trail in Kandahar, and you're 12,000 kilometres away from home, and it's 51 degrees centigrade, and you're carrying 80 or 85 pounds, and somebody is shooting at you, you can be forgiven for thinking you're in this all alone, all by yourself, and nobody cares.
“Being valued” means taking action to ensure that our young people, whether they're wearing the army, navy, or air force uniform, understand that they're connected to Canada every single second. They need to understand that they have the right leadership in place, that they've had the opportunity with the dollars given to them to be able to receive the right training in a comprehensive and intelligent manner—and we're getting a lot better at this, though we haven't always done it smartly in the past—that they have absolutely the right equipment, and that when conditions change we can react quickly and get that equipment to them. They need to believe that Canadians see what they're doing, appreciate it, and show their support for it. “Being valued” is worth its weight in gold.
If we can take actions that practically show that value in a variety of ways, then that means more than anything else. Our people have to be prepared to take risks. They have to be competent and know they're taking risks for noble reasons. Knowing that they're sustained by our nation allows people to deal with an awful lot. Increasing funding would help us to deal with some of the challenges of support, sustainment, and recovery from mental health injuries, operational stress injuries, and post-traumatic stress disorders. Those kinds of things are practical demonstrations of what actually allow people to believe fundamentally that they are valued. I think that counts for more than anything else. That's not just one thing. It is “action, not words”.