I'd be delighted to talk to that. Of all the unique challenges we have, the reserves are actually a little greater challenge.
You all understand; you bring people back and if they want to go back to their home communities, sometimes it is difficult to maintain that contact and communication with them. We've taken a whole variety of measures--very practical, pragmatic measures. If an injured soldier comes home from Afghanistan, he or she will remain on full-time service until they have made the complete recovery that we and they are happy with. So they would remain part of our unit, and we keep them on full-time service as long as they want to be.
Whether they stay at home or they're with the unit, we work with the individual, and in that way we can provide them with the direct medical care for an operational stress injury or other kind of mental injury, or a physical injury.
That's a key one right there, because we used to have the policy that you came back home and I think it was 30 days' leave, and then you went back to being a class A reservist of 35 days a year. That is a huge change in and of itself.
We've put in place a variety of smaller programs, like link nursing, where we have a nurse who actually has responsibility for maintaining contact with those reservists no matter where they go.
We have put an emphasis on the chain of command of reserve units across the country. When they receive back to their units those young soldiers who they helped select and helped prepare and who they corresponded and communicated with when they were on the mission, they have a responsibility to then follow that young soldier, that young Sergeant Grenier or Corporal Hillier, and work with them over the next days and months. Mental health injuries sometimes don't come to the fore until five, six, seven, ten months down the road.
So we've taken a variety of measures to do that, including addressing what was a perceived financial discrepancy between a regular force soldier and a reservist.