That's right. It's interesting because we built this satellite in seven months, which is an incredibly short period of time. When speaking to the United States Coast Guard about that timeframe, they were very impressed that a company could do that.
The purpose of this particular satellite was just to demonstrate the capability. It's not meant to be an operational spacecraft. It's very inexpensive, very rapidly designed, and built with very commercial components with no redundancy. We designed it, and because COM DEV is a company that builds space equipment, we know how to build things very thoroughly, very carefully, and with high quality. But this particular thing was designed just to demonstrate something very quickly. It has lasted very well, primarily because we know how to build things from a high standard in COM DEV, and the whole of the Canadian space business--MDA, as you talked about--has a reputation.... The Canadian space industry has a tremendous reputation for leadership in technology and quality.