Radar capabilities are unique, because they operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They are not obstructed by clouds. They are not obstructed by light--that is, the absence of light. The area of interest, of course, is in darkness most of the year, so you can see the advantage of using radar.
When it comes to monitoring waters, because of the nature of the flatness of the water, and because ships are very small objects relative to the size of the ocean, optical devices really do not give the optimum observation value. Radar has capabilities for spotting ships via detecting the wave behind the ship. Radar can understand the angularity of the water and can actually see waves of water and can then detect ships through the wakes behind the ships.
Combined with identification means, such as the AIS of the ship, and fusing other data, you can get timely, accurate information to make a decision and have the enforcement the professor spoke about. The only way you can do that in such a massive area is through radar based in space. That's really the advantage of radar.
With regard to land, actions on land, and information related to land, of course, airborne radar is again of significant value. The same characteristics, again, because of the clouds and the absence of light, whether it is airborne on a CP-140 patrol aircraft or on an unmanned airborne vehicle, give you the same thing. In this case, in the latter case, you can get it near real time. As you're passing over, you can actually get the imagery.
The idea is that it's a phased approach. You have radar that is in lower orbit to give us the overall picture. Radar data is really not that useful if you don't have the techniques and the algorithms to analyze the data and detect the change. Here in Canada we are leaders, without question, in the world. Again, change detection is one of our strengths. So you get the overall picture, and once you spot an area of interest, you deploy more localized radar surveillance to determine the nature of the activities, and you decide, based on that, whether you want to take an action.