In 1928 we arrived at a settlement of this question with Norway. In 1930 we had an exchange of notes whereby Norway recognized Canada's sovereignty over the three islands called the Sverdrup Islands, subject only to the non-recognition of the so-called “sector theory”, about which I can say a word if you want me to. So that's the end of that.
The basis of our title of course is doubled: number one, the transfer of the islands in 1870 to Canada; number two, the explorations that we, Canada, made after the transfer in 1870. So there's absolutely no doubt about Canada's sovereignty over the islands.
Now, number three, Canada's sovereign rights over the continental shelf, is more complicated. Mr. Chairman, I was very pleased to see on the agenda I received from this committee that Ron McNabb was to appear. I don't see Ron here. He's not here, is he?