On the university question, first of all, a big thank you, Larry. You've been one of the hugest supporters of the University of the Arctic historically. We couldn't be here today without the support and leadership you've provided. I want to make that note.
In terms of provincial and the equivalent territorial support, it's true that a lot of base funding for universities does come from the province. We would need to see that, obviously, from the territorial government, but university activities are heavily funded by the federal government. You can look at CFI grants or at the tri-council funding grants around research. Lots of infrastructure is paid for by the federal government. So I think there is a very important federal government role to play in a university that is north of 60. I think there's still a fiduciary responsibility constitutionally to the north, and there is certainly a fiduciary responsibility to the aboriginal peoples of Canada.
On a practical level, the territories simply don't have the capacity to go it alone. It's going to require partnership with the federal government.