I think helicopters are a crucial part of the mix. At least in the short term, I would like to see one or two Cormorant helicopters deployed to the Arctic in those late summer months when they'll actually be needed, and I would like to see more serious, longer-range helicopters on our coast guard icebreakers. Having an icebreaker in the heart of the Canadian archipelago with a helicopter that can only go 150 kilometres away from the vessel is not a serious assertion of Arctic capability. We need better birds on our boats.
In terms of fixed-wing capacity, I would like to see new fixed-wing assets in places such as Whitehorse, Yellowknife, and perhaps Iqaluit, with SAR techs who parachute down in an emergency situation. I understand that's part of the long-term plan, for instance, with the acquisition of Spartan aircraft, but if aircraft like that are put into the north, let's make sure they actually have the personnel who can do the parachute jumps and get down to the surface quickly.