If we compare the fleet in Russia to the fleet we have here in Canada, it's obvious that we're not on par with them. The fleet is in good condition, but it's aging. Some of those ships will have to be put on the selling block or scrapped soon.
I think the fleet in Russia is too large, too powerful, and too assertive of sovereignty and everything. There was a huge agenda during the Soviet era to build a large fleet and to open the northern route for 12 months a year. I don't think you need to do that.
It's obvious that what we have in Canada is too little compared with what we need. For me, the best way to approach the problem is to increase our capacity by increasing the icebreaker fleet. The thing is, it takes a long time to build those ships, and if we don't start now, it won't be until maybe 2030 that we have the capacity we need. It's the icebreakers that are central and this is where we should put our efforts.