As I mentioned, my politicians are right now discussing the next five-year defence agreement, and there is nothing on the table right now that indicates that Denmark will start to arm itself for a significant greater presence in the Arctic. My country's position on that will be to try to go the dialogue way, basically.
I don't know what you mean about Norway, because as far as I know, Norway does not have anything in its military inventory, nor will it get anything in its military inventory, that puts it in a more aggressive posture in the Arctic than it had before. It has a navy with frigates, as you have and we have. Of course, if you start to use your frigates in the Arctic area--and that requires at least no ice as long as they are traditional frigates--you could argue that you have a more aggressive posture.
However, I am not aware that Norway is acquiring stuff that can justify believing it will have a more aggressive posture in the Arctic. I don't recall that I have seen any statements from Norway, except that it is always concerned about its neighbourship with Russia. I don't think it has mentioned anything about starting an increased armament regarding the Arctic.
That is basically all I can say.