There is a problem here for sure. How big it is I don't know. To be really truthful, this is an issue on which I am not as fully informed as I would like to be. That said, the United States does things its own way. If they go too far, it's only up to us to push back. I think that in this one, if it is our wish, for instance, not to have a moratorium or not have any regulation on fishing in the Beaufort Sea, including the contested waters, then we should go back to the U.S., and tell them this is our view. At the same time, we should make clear that if there is a land claim dimension to this, it should allow Inuit, the Inuvialuit, free right to fish. It should also be made clear to the U.S. that we have treaty obligations to our own people. The U.S. position should be changed.
Nonetheless, I think this is all a little premature in that nobody's ready to fish. There's still ice, I believe, and the commercial fishery is not ready yet. This is good precautionary politics, and the way I would go further on this is I think something that the Minister of Foreign Affairs has already suggested in passing. That is that Canada and the U.S. should cooperate on an ecosystem study in the Beaufort Sea, so that we understand the ecology of it together—the two of us—and that we understand how to manage this area, including the contested area. That would be my thought to move ahead with the ecosystem management--