Actually, those are more professional questions about the use of armed force, which I really don't have a handle on except to say that the military provides in the Arctic a platform and capabilities that all other government departments can use. It's in many cases vital if there is a need for sudden action, and perhaps if there's a need for surveillance as well, long-term surveillance. So there are areas in which the Canadian Forces should be equipped to act and able to render these services of surveillance, monitoring, and to some degree enforcement or intervention, I would say. That may mean pre-positioning of search and rescue or emergency response goods, stuff that we would want to have ready to use at short notice. It may mean an application of SARSAT to surveillance capabilities under various things that are now being done. Also, one might ask about the need to monitor traffic in the northwest passageways; that is, a sonar system, which has been considered but I believe is not under active consideration, even though it was part of the set of commitments of the government.
There are these kinds of things that could all be done, but I'm not the one to recommend about that.