It would seem to me that legislative tools are absolutely essential at the territorial, provincial, and certainly at the national level in dealing with a certain set of principles with regard to the Arctic, with certain objectives, and that we need to be working in concert with our neighbours, particularly the Danes and the Russians.
Again, I think there is some concern that events are moving much faster than we can respond to—particularly the notion that the Northwest Passage may be open within ten years, ice-free. And the fact is that winds are changing. Over Greenland, you don't see any dirt on the top, but when the ice breaks off, you see very dirty ice. But this is now changing, and the concern now is that in Greenland, in fact, it's receding so quickly.
Are there any specific tools you might want to suggest, either now or in writing to us in the future, that could be helpful in terms of a legislative approach for maritimers that would strengthen the issue of passage? Again, you talked about that company, which was very pleased about the implications, obviously, for that kind of travel in the north.