As you know, right now our land claims agreements are settled: James Bay and NILCA, the Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement. We are basically in the midst of implementing all this right now.
I would say that on many of the issues right now that we've negotiated with the Quebec and Canadian governments, it's going along pretty well. I would say that the major hurdle right now would be housing. Even though we have a good housing agreement with Canada and Quebec, there's still a big housing shortage. Even though there are, let's say, 915 houses left to be built in 14 communities, if you put 915 houses in 14 communities, that has quite a big economic impact. In some small communities, building 40 houses would have a major social and economic impact on the community.
So in that sense I would say once everything is implemented you would probably achieve a higher degree of economic development.