Yes, class A; sorry.
So the class As show up once or twice a week and they work in their local armouries, as probably your son does, and actually receive some money and are ready to go, if called out. Right now the focus is more on the Canada First defence strategy.
At the same time, if the Canadian Forces is short for whatever reason, operational deployments and the like, of personnel across its system, it can then go out and ask reservists in Canada if they'd like to step up and actually work full time. But here's the other point we need to remember on the whole class Bs double-dipping. They only get paid 85% of what a regular force person gets paid. It still can be a lot of money, but it's only 85%.
I have many class B staff who work in my organization getting paid 85% of what a regular force person would get paid--for good reasons. They're not deployed. I can't send them here or send them there in the current construct. They actually help us fill a hole for a three-year period. Contracts were one-year in many cases, so it was year to year, but they go for three years.
The last is the class C. If we need you for operational reasons, we then put you in class C. You get everything that a regular force individual would get. It's not just about money. Health care is provided, and there's a benefits program during that term of service.
What we did put in place for injured reservists—because reservists in many cases go class C, class A, and class C, class B--is that if people come off operations and they are injured, s'il y a des blessés, on les laisse dans la classe C until their wounds are healed and they're stabilized. So once they come back from Afghanistan, for example, we keep them in the forces as long as it takes for them to get the health care they actually require.