Mr. Harris, the MPCC has received thousands of unredacted documents. You would know as a barrister, sir, as we have already discussed and I think you've referenced, that there are very capable individuals, including the chair, including the MPCC itself, including military and non-military lawyers taking part in that process, who have access to thousands of unredacted documents. Like the parliamentary committee, they also have to respect the Canada Evidence Act. They have to respect the National Defence Act. They are in conflict right now with a ruling from the Federal Court. So it was the committee chair who made the decision to suspend those hearings.
With respect to disclosures, there will be a continued examination of documents and relevant information for disclosure, and the arm's-length departments will turn over information based on advice from the Attorney General and the Department of Justice. These are decisions made by professionally trained officials, not by politicians.
So continued references to me or anyone in the political branch redacting documents is nonsense, and you know that. Mr. Dosanjh, as a former minister, has to acknowledge that this is not a decision taken by government; it's a decision taken by professional public servants. It's not done at a political level.