From an organizational perspective, first of all, the integrated security unit is located in Richmond, as you're aware. There are elements of many other agencies located in there. From a military perspective, the commander of Joint Task Force Games is co-located, so there is a military headquarters that allows coordination between the two of them. There is also an air operations centre, which coordinates the activity between the RCMP's requirements and those of NORAD. So there is a fairly complicated organizational structure in place.
But it's not simply the military and the RCMP. It's also to allow other agencies that need to be represented within the ISU so that it can be coordinated. Undoubtedly, that was one of the major issues we wanted to come to grips with during the live play of Exercise Silver. We did that very well. That means we identified lots of things that we wanted to do better. In terms of the communications structure that is in place from a primary basis to satisfy that, we identified some problems with the primary means by which we'd do it--and we're working on a fix--and there are methods in place so that there are alternate operation centres. Should there be a problem, we would be able to distribute and exercise from alternate locations. And that is also something we will be further exercising, not in a whole-of-government sense in a major exercise but in terms of things the RCMP and the Canadian Forces are doing independently of all the other exercises that are ongoing.
The ISU is a complicated beast. It's never been done to this level of complexity before, and it's working well.