Certainly, Ma'am. It is an operations centre, which means it stands up; it operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I will give you one example of how the Canadian Forces is developing its capabilities, some of which will be embedded within the ISU. Other government departments have different rates at which they're standing up.
We are at the moment in the Joint Task Force Games structure. So the military structure on the west coast that we're standing up specifically to support security requirements of the games is at the moment modelled for a planning headquarters. So it's engaged in many of the things we've been talking about. Over this summer it will shift from being a planning organization to a conduct of operations. That means we augment the number of people so that they become not just planners, but they do some work, run an exercise, and then go and study it again. But we dramatically increase the number of watch standers, people who are on that operations floor on a watch rotation basis.
The ISU will function from the latter part of 2009 in an operational mode, where it's able to be fully closed up and conducting intelligence coordination--so information that's coming into it. It will be processing that information. It will be assessing what that information means. It will be planning contingency operations that need to go on, and it will be prepared to control operations if they are required.