I'll respond to that.
On sharing of information, it depends on how you want to define that. We have the Arctic security working group, which is probably the principal way in which we share information and best practices. The Canadian Forces, through Joint Task Forth North, co-chairs this body with Public Safety. That is where we explore best practices on how to work in the north.
One of the key things in the north, which is not like what we have south of 66° north, is the lack of infrastructure. The ability to work together is critical to being able to operate in this type of environment. So from our perspective, the sharing at the operational level happens at the Arctic security working group.
At the tactical level, it's where it happens in the exercises themselves. The exercises are built to allow the various departments, whether that's the coast guard, the RCMP, DND, or the fisheries department, the ability to understand what the other departments do and what roles they play. This is very important. It's understanding the lane in which we all operated and then, from there, understanding how we can best support those departments. That's how we do the sharing of information.
In the last two to three years, certainly, I would say that a lot of the work being done by Public Safety and Joint Task Force North has further enhanced that sharing through the Arctic security working group.