We clearly do not support this motion. In the first place, his decision was not to scrap half of the fleet of 12 vessels. That's simply a misstatement of fact and complete rubbish. Secondly, this Minister of National Defence has been before more committees than any other minister of the crown. Thirdly, you have four hours during committee of the whole on Thursday, so question your little socks off on whatever you want to.
In fact, overall budgets to the navy have not been cut; they've been increased substantially. It's a matter of allocation within those budgets that might be at issue, but clearly, notwithstanding Mr. Wilfert's comments, we believe there's a little bit of political mischief in this as well, and we simply do not support this motion.
So we can get it over with quickly or we can get it over with after a long discussion, but we do not support the motion.