Yes, thank you very much.
Almost every single defence expenditure in the modern era will always come in higher than what is expected. In fact, within the open literature this is often the argument that's put forward for signing early. You can never completely keep costs down by getting in early, particularly when dealing with a sole-source provider, but some studies have suggested that if you come in early you will avoid cost escalations. Historically speaking, it is hard to find a single modern program in the western world that has not come in over cost. That tends to be a bit of the nature of the beast.
One other point is that the Norwegians are sending mixed signals. In August of this year, Norway's defence minister met with the head of the American Navy, Admiral Gary Roughead, and signed an agreement to buy anti-ship missiles for the F-35s. So what Mr. Epps said about their stating that they are postponing is somewhat correct, but on the other hand, the Norwegians are also going ahead and actually making purchases to arm the aircraft.