I was also intrigued, and it seems to me, and maybe I'm learning as time goes on here perhaps.... Whether we have an engine choice or not, it seems to me that what you're suggesting, Mr. Lennie, is that if we have an engine choice and Canada does go with the F-35, we'll be in a situation where both engine manufacturers would come to Canada and say we'd like you to buy our engines, here's our price, and here are the industrial benefits that we would spread around Canada as our bid for your piece of the action. That's a totally separate issue and has nothing to do with this mega F-35 international competition. Basically you'll come to Canada and say use the F136 and here's the deal.
You talked about this Connecticut company that has an office in Montreal. You tell us they have a piece of the action in the F-35, regardless, presumably, of who buys it.
Is it the same with the F136, that you would come to Canada and say, here's what we offer in terms of industrial benefits for Canada; if you buy our planes, this percent is going to be manufactured in Canada and this percent of the sustainment or maintenance contract will be here as well?