I just have a few comments on the general discussion. May I suggest a road map? There is a road map, by the way. You simply report something to the House and then we have a concurrence debate on that report. If there's something that is particularly vital that we need to have debate on in the House, there are easy mechanisms to do that.
I'm just a little puzzled by our discussion here. What we're kind of saying is the government won't do what the committee asked them to do.
So I'm agreeing with you, Bryon; if there's something that we're really concerned about, if someone wants to move a motion that we report something to the House and we have a debate on it, as Mr. Hawn says, fill your boots. There are ways within Parliament to do it. If there are better ways, let me know. A motion by this committee that puts something on the record is fine, and a debate in the House of Commons is another way of doing it.