There are a couple of issues that you've raised. First of all, there are mechanisms within the department, the senior review boards, that will still be applicable to the next-generation fighter capability project, but they will be applicable in a different context, as you have alluded to. To be frank, we have not yet determined how our participation in the JSF program will interact with the senior review boards and the other boards within the department. We are working on that process now. We set up the project management office two weeks ago. I'm making a big effort to try to expand my team to address all issues of that nature.
One of the other issues that we need to address is getting a clearer understanding of the costs as we advance to government for expenditure authority on the various elements of the project. We will be taking a team to the JSF program three weeks from now to seek further information, and we will be advancing our understanding of the sustainment costs through that process.