First of all, I would say to you that the challenges you throw out are certainly ones that I think we all share a concern over. The purpose of today's presentation, speaking for myself, is to outline to you what we believe the base of the service level should be. Operationally, how that is deployed, where it's deployed from, and who pays for it I think will require further research and further discussion. All of the parties you have mentioned potentially would have a role in that.
But as I understand it, it is the federal government's responsibility, through DND in particular, which currently has the mandate for this, with other agencies like the coast guard and the Canadian Forces and so on, depending on the nature of the emergency. So the bulk of the responsibility and the bulk of the accountability, I would suggest to you, is with the federal government.
I would suggest that the federal government should, from the presentations that it's hearing over these last number of days, recognize that we believe the current structure and the current response times are not satisfactory. They are not acceptable and therefore you need to change the way search and rescue is provided.
If you, upon your reflection--because you are the ones with the mandate--feel there are other partners that may be able to help in that, and if you'd like to engage with us in terms of how it should be done on a more detailed level, there would be a lot of willing participants who'd like to sit down and discuss it with you.
In terms of having answers to some of your questions today, I think it would be a bit simplistic to expect that we would have answers for that. My point to you would be that there are more than enough people around the table who can come up with solutions. We need to be engaged in it to be able to do it. The point to leave you with today is that what we currently have is not acceptable.