Well, I think cost certainly is something that we all have to consider as elected officials, but I'm more inclined to say to you, Mr. Harris, that I think the amount of resources we have available to us at a federal level, at a provincial level, and at a private level in terms of companies operating, and in terms of the companies that are exploiting the resources off our shores, in terms of resources that they have available to them...it may mean looking at how we restructure ourselves to be able to respond to emergencies as they occur.
We don't necessarily need to create more resources. It may be how we deploy those resources: looking at where those resources are based and how we may be able to access them in the time of an emergency, no differently than when we had Hurricane Igor, for instance, just recently in Newfoundland and Labrador. Everybody who had resources came to help in a situation like that. There are ways that our fire and emergency services were able to coordinate there. I think that kind of coordination can be done.