I think I have room for one more short question.
You indicated that almost all of the recommendations of Lamer have been accepted. I think that's probably true, that they've been accepted in principle, but of course many of them have not been implemented. One of them is that the Chief of the Defence Staff be given the necessary financial authority to settle financial claims and grievances.
The grievances have been a particularly thorny issue in the military. The grievance procedure itself has been a source of great grievance for a lot of people, both the legal people trying to assist people and people trying to resolve grievances.
That hasn't been implemented. It's pretty important that somebody be able to say, “Okay, look, we'll settle this, we'll resolve this, we'll fix it”, and yet that authority hasn't been given.
Is there some reason why these things are being delayed? I know it does take time to do things, but these recommendations have been out since 2003.